Remote Access

Remote Access

The problem

IT providers and IT departments often face challenges in providing effective technical support to remote users. The lack of adequate tools to establish secure and efficient connections can result in longer problem resolution times, customer dissatisfaction, and an unnecessarily high workload for support teams.

the solution

Lunixar offers a remote connection solution that enables IT providers and IT departments to establish secure and efficient connections with users’ devices to provide technical support. With Lunixar, support teams can remotely access users’ systems, quickly diagnose and resolve issues, improving support efficiency and customer satisfaction.

remote access


  • Secure Access: Enables secure remote connections, protecting sensitive data for both the IT provider and the end user.
  • Quick Diagnosis: Facilitates rapid and efficient troubleshooting, reducing downtime.
  • Intuitive Interface: Provides an easy-to-use interface for technicians to manage remote connections without complications.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: By providing faster and more effective technical support, it enhances the user experience and overall satisfaction.

Lunixar is a SaaS for IT departments and IT providers that offers a comprehensive remote connection solution designed to facilitate technical support for remote users. With Lunixar, support teams can work efficiently and securely, providing quick and effective solutions to users’ technical issues.


Remote Access



Roadmap de Lunixar